Bad Credit Car Loans
Getting a Bad Credit
Auto Loan approved for people with bad credit in Canada is easier
than you may think. There are lenders, banks and leasing companies
who finance borrowers with bad credit history. Car Loans during
bankruptcy and after bankruptcy can be obtained from these
specialized lending companies. Canada Car Credit Auto Financing
has the expertise
to eliminated the hassle, frustration and the time usually
associated with applying for a car loan with bad credit by forming a
network of lenders that specialize in bad credit car loan financing.
Your credit score or
credit rating is affected by many factors including:
Payment History - Late Payments
Length of Credit History
High debt to income ratio - Amount
Borrowed Compared To Available Credit
Credit Inquiries and New Debt - These Can
Lower Your Credit Score
bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal
Type of Debt -
Instalment Debt More Favourable To Your Credit Score Than
Credit Card Debt
These factors are
compiled and translated into a credit score that is used by lenders
to determine the degree of risk they are taking in providing you
with a loan.
If you fall into the
category described by banks as "High Risk", then obtaining a bank
loan to purchase that car or truck you want may become difficult or
impossible. Generally car dealer manufacturer financing is also only
available to individuals with perfect credit.
Canada Car Credit Auto Financing
has helped thousands of Canadians with bad
credit get approved for car loans and truck loans with competitive
interest rates and terms up to 96 months. In many cases no down
payment is required and we can even help you get some cash back.
Bad credit is no problem at Canada Car Credit Auto Financing
as almost everybody
can get approved.
Apply today and get approved in less than 24 hours!