New Immigrant Car Loan - New to Canada - 9 on SIN Number - Auto Loan Financing
are hundreds of thousands of people
who migrate to Canada every year.
Most of the new immigrants are
turned down for a car loan when they
are applying for credit even with a
significant amount of down payment
if they go to the major banks or new
car dealerships. The biggest
challenge for new immigrants is
something called "no credit
history". In other words, this means
you will have no credit record in
this country. The banks and/or
lending institutions have no idea if
you are a good client that will pay
them back on time and therefore
unwilling to take a chance on your
If you fit into this category, the
first thing you should do is Do
Not to Apply for Credit in a New Car
Dealership at all. Not only
would this be a complete waste of
your time, you may also risk hurting
your new credit further because it
will put a mark on your credit
rating and show you were declined
for the loan.
We suggest you should apply with us
as we provide and specialize in high
risk car loans but have a much lower
approval requirement when it comes
to the credit application. The
required credit score is much lower
than your traditional car loan. In
addition, all our auto loans are
reported back to the credit
reporting agencies so that you will
be building your credit score with
each car loan payment you make!